EDUTL: Inquiry Project

This site is the result of a class final project

The following is excerpted from the directions:

This is a self-selected individual project that should probe the depths of what you have learned over the semester. As a term project, it should explore your chosen topic in detail, demonstrate an understanding of the major concepts covered in class, and focus on some aspect of children’s literature. Topics focusing on aspects ofdiversity are especially appropriate to this assignment. These projects will be presented during the class’s exam time for your classmates to enjoy.

The objective of the assignment is for you to read and work on your own, developing your abilities for research, reading and writing, while exploring the broad field of children’s literature, in order to produce a tangible result in the end. Some possible ways to present your results include (but are not limited to):

No PowerPoints or Prezis! This is an opportunity for you to creatively respond to an aspect of children’s literature that you are most interested in!


Many sources are already referenced throughout the site and so I'm not going to reiterate them here.

Below are sources not yet referenced somewhere on the site:

  1. Kiefer, Barbara; Tyson, Cynthia (2013-01-01). Charlotte Huck's Children's Literature: A Brief Guide, 2nd edition (Page 109). Humanities & Social Sciences. Kindle Edition.
  2. Controversy, Censorship, and Children's Literature
  3. Interpretations
  4. Analysis of Little Red Riding Hood
  5. Children’s Literature Classics